Ensuring Slickstream Has Access To Your Site: Whitelisting Servers

Slickstream is a service that operates in the cloud, not inside WordPress or any other CMS.  Slickstream builds an index for your site in the same way Google does by regularly processing your sitemaps and crawling your pages to keep up with any changes.

As such, Slickstream's servers need access to your site.   If you are running security software (such as Sucuri or StackProtect) or a CDN (such as Cloudflare) they may block access by Slickstream's servers.  To ensure Slickstream can reach your site in these cases, it may be necessary to whitelist the IP addresses of Slickstream's servers.

For details on how to whitelist IP addresses in Cloudflare see https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/217074967-Configuring-IP-Access-Rules.

For details on how to whitelist IP addresses in Cleantalk see https://cleantalk.org/help/blacklist-usage.

For details on how to whitelist IP addresses in Sucuri see https://docs.sucuri.net/website-firewall/whitelist-and-blacklist/whitelist-an-ip-address.

Slickstream's server's IP range can be entered in any of the following formats based on what your security or CDN software is expecting. (preferred format for Cloudflare)





Some security software may also require Slickstream's user agent information:

Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SlickBot/1.0; +http://slickstream.com)

If you aren’t running security software directly or don’t have access to Cloudflare yourself, then your hosting company should be able to whitelist this IP address range for you.

Don't hesitate to connect with us at support@slickstream.com if you have questions about whitelisting Slickstream servers.